Keharusan Pembaharuan Fikih (Tajdid Fiqh) Yang Selalu Berkembang
Fiqh studies are dynamic, developing, and may be carried out again by contemporary mujtahids in the future if needed. The existence of fiqh is a guide for humans in communicating with other humans, where these relationships continue to develop and experience many reforms. This article will explain what is meant by fiqh renewal, its legal basis, and the views of ulama regarding the need for fiqh renewal which is always developing, as well as examples of cases. This research uses a qualitative research method in the form of document study with a juridical-normative approach. The primary sources for this research are books, both classical and contemporary, related to fiqh and ushul fiqh, especially related to tajdid al-fiqh. The research results show that the dynamics of life require us to accept and also sort out things that are considered new. In the realm of fiqh, tajdid is necessary as long as it does not conflict with the qath`i sharia text, which aims for the common benefit of the ummah. The need to reconstruct fiqh is considered a necessity when there are extreme difficulties in its application.
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