• Kurnia Akbar Institut Ilmu Al-Quran (IIQ) Jakarta
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Learning Motivation, Al-Qur'an


Interpersonal communication plays an important role in the learning process. A teacher who approaches students interpersonally can make students feel more open and enthusiastic in learning the Qur'an while teachers who do not approach students interpersonally make students feel more closed and less enthusiastic in learning the Qur'an. In addition, the author found that there were some students who did not apply how to read the Qur'an according to the rules of tajwid, and it makes them memorizing the Qur'an by looking at the Latin without paying attention to the correct way in reading the Qur'an. Therefore, the author wants to know more about the interpersonal communication patterns between tahfidz teachers and students of SMK Al-Aqsyar Islamic School Bogor.

The purpose of this study was to determine the interpersonal communication patterns used by tahfidz teachers in increasing students' motivation to learn how to read the Qur'an. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with a descriptive approach. The technique in collecting the data is by conducting observations, interview the principal, vice principal of curriculum, three tahfidz teachers of ten grades, twelve ten grades’ students of SMK Al-Aqsyar Islamic School Bogor, and documentation. While in analyzing the data, it uses three stages, they are: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions.

The results of this study indicate that there are primary communication patterns and secondary communication patterns that occur between teachers and students. Primary communication pattern means a process of interaction that occurs directly using verbal and nonverbal language as a medium for conveying messages from tahfidz teachers to students. The secondary communication pattern means that the process of interaction by using a second medium as a means of conveying messages, in this case the tahfidz teachers of ten grades at SMK Al-Aqsyar Islamic School Bogor use telephone or whatsapp media. Both of these communication patterns are carried out using a dialogical approach, namely an approach that is carried out by dialoguing either directly or indirectly using telephone media.



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How to Cite
Kurnia Akbar. (2024). KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL GURU TAHFIDZ DALAM MEMOTIVASI BELAJAR MEMBACA Al- QUR’AN. Qiro’ah : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 14(1), 137-145. Retrieved from https://ejurnal.iiq.ac.id/index.php/qiroah/article/view/1707