• Muhammad Zhafir Elbahy UNIDA Gontor
  • Abdullah STTM AR Fachrudin
Keywords: Team Multimedia UNIDA, External Communication, Internal Communication, Dimension of Communication Organization


Data archiving and multimedia management of institutions are mandatory in this era of globalization, even all lines must now be dominated by super multimedia, in addition to the multimedia team being useful for storing or documenting the institution's activities, the multimedia team is also responsible for communication between institutions and audiences. Therefore, the University of Darussalam Gontor formed a multimedia team named Archives Documentation which is now changing its name to UNIDA Gontor Multimedia Team. The Multimedia Team also has dimensions of communication, for example horizontal and vertical dimensions in external and internal networks. Therefore, the UNIDA GONTOR multimedia team is educated to master all properties, tools and media in communication itself. The results showed that the communication dimensions of UNIDA Multimedia Team Organizing mostly occurred in the activities that had been organized by them. Formal communication (upward communication, downward communication, horizontal communication) occurs in all organizational activities. And external communication through various media.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Zhafir Elbahy, & Abdullah. (2024). DIMENSI-DIMENSI KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI PADA TEAM MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITAS DARUSSALAM GONTOR . Al-Qaul: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 3(2), 163-186. Retrieved from https://ejurnal.iiq.ac.id/index.php/alqaul/article/view/1674