Analisis Strategi Kampanye Anies Baswedan Di Pemilu Pilpres 2024
Political communication, compaign, social media, Anies Baswedan,political. This article explains the political campaign carried out by Anies Baswedan during the 2024 presidential election. The campaign is a process of political communicators as prospective candidates who will be elected to conduct political communication with the public by conveying interesting ideas. This study aims to analyze the campaign strategy carried out by Anies Baswedan during the campaign event in the November 2023–January 2024 timeframe. The difference between this research and previous research is that this research discusses Anies Baswedan's campaign strategy carried out during the presidential election campaign on social media Instagram, X, and Tiktok. Which has never been discussed in previous studies. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative with a constructivist paradigm. The theory used in this research is Nowak and Warneyrd's theory to analyze the elements that must be considered in the campaign process. Then, based on data that has been obtained through Anies Baswedan's personal social media during the research period. The final result of this research is that the campaign conducted by Anies Baswedan and his team has been in accordance with Nowak and Warneyrd's campaign theory. The utilization of social media as a campaign channel by Anies Baswedan was the right step in disseminating information with a very wide range of Anies Baswedan, as a presidential candidate, was also able to communicate with various communicable elements, such as community organizations, social groups, and political party elites.
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