Force Majeure
Force majeure is a situation that occurs after the end of the contract which prevents the debtor from fulfilling his obligations. In this case, the debtor cannot be blamed and must not bear the risk or suspect that something will happen when the contract is made. There are certain conditions to be categorized as force majeure, this must be done in accordance with the points contained in Article 1244 of the Civil Code, including the following; the parties are not in good faith, there are real events that can be proven that a debt cannot be implemented and these obstacles justify that the debtor cannot carry out or cannot carry out as agreed, the debtor must be able to prove that he is not guilty of the events that prevent him from suing . The debtor must be able to prove that the obstacle could not be foreseen at the time the contract was made. Judging from the duration of the force majeure that causes force majeure, force majeure can be divided into two forms, namely; permanent force majeure, and temporary force majeure. The Risk of Force Majeure Occurring in Article 1244 of the Civil Code states that in the event that the debtor is unable to fulfill his engagement obligations properly
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