Pendidikan Karakter dan Akhlak Terhadap Remaja Masa Kini Perspektif Qs.Luqman:12-19

  • Haidar Basyir Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) Jakarta
  • Rofiq Al-Akhyar Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) Jakarta
Keywords: Education, Character, Morals


The more advanced the times, everything will change with the times. Inevitably, a person's character, behavior and morals will follow what is happening around him. One of the problems that is happening today is the low value of good character and morals among teenagers today. Many factors cause changes in character and morals in today's youth, including gadgets, social media, promiscuity and several other factors. Therefore it is very necessary to study the sources of Islamic teachings (Al-Qur'an) in order to improve the character and morals of today's youth. This study aims to determine the value of education contained in Qs.Lukman:12-19 This research is a library research (Library Research) to dig deeper into the findings collected from various sources of literature. The analysis of this research uses descriptive analysis using qualitative methods. This study concluded that the values of character and moral education contained in Qs.Lukman ;12-19 are Lukman's will to his children, including gratitude, monotheism, devotion to parents, good deeds, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, patient attitude, not arrogant and tawadhu. These educational values will be a study for researchers on the morals and behavior of today's youth and their correlation with Lukman's letter so that they can provide solutions that can later be implemented in real life and also as reading that will add insight and benefit many people.


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How to Cite
Haidar Basyir, & Rofiq Al-Akhyar. (2024). Pendidikan Karakter dan Akhlak Terhadap Remaja Masa Kini Perspektif Qs.Luqman:12-19. Eduqur’ania: International Journal of Islamic Education Based on The Quran, 1(1), 1-11. Retrieved from