• Upi Zahra IIQ Jakarta
Keywords: Language, Communication, Dialogical, Islamic, Integral


Communication is a very important thing in human life. It can be said that communication is an integral part of the human being, like two sides of a coin that complement each other. In everyday life, many of the failures people experience are caused by their inability to communicate or the poor form of communication they use. In the Islamic view, communication is an integral part of human life because all our movements always involve communication. The communication in question is Islamic communication, which is noble or ethical communication. To communicate with akhlak al-karimah means to communicate based on the Quran and Hadith (Sunnah of the Prophet). In the current modernization era, a Muslim must be able to adapt by using communication tools so that the flow of Islamic knowledge or good values is spread in society. In the process of dialogical communication, the orientation of communication is no longer focused on: "conveying a message", but rather on the process of "conveying a message with others". It means interacting to make balanced transactions with each other to jointly create the meaning of reality.


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How to Cite
Upi Zahra. (2024). BAHASA SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI VERBAL. Al-Qaul: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 3(1), 46-60. Retrieved from