Tinjauan Fikih Muamalah Terhadap Jual Beli Kelapa Sistem Borongan Melalui Perantara
(Studi Kasus di Desa Telaga Tujuh Kecamatan Durai Kabupaten Karimun Kepulauan Riau)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many farmers were confused about who to sell coconuts to, so young people emerged as intermediaries. In buying and selling coconuts, the wholesale system carried out through intermediaries is seen as very popular with the public. This research aims to find out what types of transactions apply between farmers and intermediaries in the practice of buying and selling coconuts on a wholesale system in Telaga Tujuh Village, Durai District, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, as well as how muamalah jurisprudence reviews the practice of buying and selling coconuts on a wholesale system through intermediaries. This type of qualitative research is in the form of focused interviews with an empirical approach. The research results show that: First, the type of transaction that applies between farmers and intermediaries in the practice of buying and selling coconuts in Telaga Tujuh Village is a type of samsarah contract transaction where the intermediary's profit is agreed by the farmer that the coconut cannot be sold at a higher rate, if there are certain reasons that require it. the intermediary increases the selling price of coconuts, then they must mutually agree to change the agreement. Second, the practice of buying and selling coconuts on a wholesale system in Telaga Tujuh Village, in terms of muamalah jurisprudence, is quite appropriate, in terms of harmony, conditions and things that are prohibited in samsarah have been fulfilled. However, it is not appropriate and violates things that are prohibited in muamalah maliyah, because there is an element of tadlis in terms of price (an item that is sold at a higher price) and there is injustice between intermediaries and buyers who previously hoped to get a cheaper selling price for coconuts in the village. Telaga Tujuh, whose price is not the same as the market price, but is sold at the same price as the market price by an intermediary.
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