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Author Guidelines
The paper sent to our redaction will be considered for publication if meeting the following criteria:
- It is scientific and focused on the reviews of related problems in Islamic Law studies. Besides, it must be original and based on the research and contributive literature review for the development of Quranic studies.
- Articles should be original, research-based, unpublished and not under review for possible publication in other journals.
- The article should be written in Indonesia language or English language or Arabic language.
- It consists of title, author’s name, institution, email address, abstract, keywords, content and references.
- The title must be clear and precise
- The author does not need to include the academic title.
- Manuscript should be typed in MS document format with Times New Roman, size 12 pts, single space, A4 paper roughly 14 to 28 pages (author has to use the journal template)
- All submission must include 150-250 words abstract and 3-5 keywords. The abstract of research paper should contain title, purpose, method, and research finding.
- It must be typed in Microsoft Wordwith RTF (Rich Text Format) or Doc. (Word Document) and sent to the redaction by submission facility in this website or via email by using file attachment.
- Bibliographical reference must be noted in footnote and bibliography according to Al-Mitoa
- The transliterated paper must be based on the transliterating rules.
- All article manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by qualified academics in the field; this is a process that may take weeks or months.
- The rejected paper will be notified to the author via OJS or email.
Bibliographical Example:
Neuwirth, Angelika. Scripture, Poetry and the Making of a Community: Reading the Qur'an as a Literary Text, London: Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2014 .
______, Nicolai Sinai and Michael Marx (Eds.). The Qur'an in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur'anic Milieu, Leiden: Brill, 2010.
Rodin, Dede. “Reinterpretasi Kontroversi Kepemimpinan non-Muslim dalam Alquran,” Mutawatir: Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadith, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2017).
Footnote Example:
Angelika Neuwirth, Scripture, Poetry and the Making of a Community: Reading the Qur'an as a Literary Text, (London: Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2014), h. 21-22.
Ebrahim Moosa, Islam Progresif: Refleksi Dilematis tentang HAM, Modernitas dan Hak-Hak Perempuan di dalam Hukum Islam, terj. Yasrul Huda, (Jakarta: ICIP, 2004), h. 28-29.
Dede Rodin, “Reinterpretasi Kontroversi Kepemimpinan non-Muslim dalam Alquran,” Mutawatir: Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadith, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2017), h. 24-49.
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