Peran Pendayagunaan Zakat Produktif di Baznas dalam Perkembangan Ekonomi Mustahik
The research objective is to understand the role of productive zakat empowerment in BAZNAS to encourage mustahik prosperity. The research use focused interviews to the three mustahik and Baznas institution staff. Based on the research findings, it is revealed that the productive zakat empowerment program at Baznas is divided into urban and rural areas. The urban scope includes the program such as Z-chicken, Z-Mart, Z-Auto, santripreuner, and Microbusiness empowerment. In rural areas, the program includes livestock centers, food storage facilities, village microfinance, and zakat community development (ZCD). The program involves planning, implementation, monitoring, program evaluation, and impact assessment phases. The purposes of the productive zakat empowerment program in alleviating poverty have reached, as seen with urban program beneficiaries like Mr. Fairuz, Mrs. Maryati, Mr. Zaini who have exceeded the had kifayah.
These are demonstrates the fact that the program can lift mustahik out of poverty. However, there are still beneficiaries who are not trustworthy in the program they participate in, mainly due to challenges in the procurement process at the stock point, including the acquisition of goods, the delivery process, and the distance for purchasing goods.
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Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No 23 tahun 2011 tentang Pendayagunaan Zakat