Nida' Al-Qur'an : Jurnal Kajian Quran dan Wanita <p>Nida Quran : Jurnal Kajian Quran dan Wanita, jurnal yang mengkaji ilmu-ilmu al Quran dan Wanita yang diterbitkan<br>oleh LPPI Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) Jakarta.</p> en-US (lppi) (Nida) Tue, 30 Jan 2024 11:28:18 +0000 OJS 60 Eksistensi Perempuan Didalam Hadis-hadis Nabi: Studi Sejarah dan Takhrij <p><em>This article wants to reveal the attitude of the Prophet Muhammad in treating women. Women during the Jahiliyah era experienced various kinds of intimidation and oppression. The social system at that time made women completely powerless. His existence was considered a disgrace that could embarrass his family and clan. By using qualitative research which is categorized as a literature review, this article uses a historical approach and Hadith Science as a critical reading tool. After conducting research, it was found that many of the Prophet's attitudes in his hadiths provided rights and space for women. The Prophet also told his people to honor and respect them. The social construction during the Jahiliyah period regarding the existence of women was cleared after the Prophet Muhammad was sent.</em></p> Chalimatus Sa’dijah Copyright (c) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Konsep Nafkah dalam Tafsir Al-Qur’an <p><em>Support is a husband's obligation to his wife starting from the time he says his consent until death separates them. Whether the value is large or small, everything must be grateful for and mutual cooperation between husband and wife is necessary to create a harmonious family that accepts each other's advantages and disadvantages between husband and wife. Allah SWT. will not burden a servant beyond his capacity. &nbsp;Researchers used library research. In this study, the authors took primary data sources from the main book of study of this research, the Book of Tafsir Al-Munīr by Wahbah az-Zuhaili (2015 M) and the Book of Tafsir Al-Qur'ānul Majid Al-Nūr by Teungku Muhammad Hasbi Ash- Shiddieqy (1975 M) where the author only limits to two verses, namely the Al- Qur'an QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 233 and QS. Al-Thalāq [65]: 7 which according to the author can answer problems related to the law of living. Secondary data is in the form of books, journals, encyclopedias, magazines, papers, articles and other supporting literature. The data collection technique used by the author is documentation technique. The method to be used in this study is the comparative method, which tries to describe the interpretation of the two figures, namely Wahbah az-Zuhaili (2015 M) and Teungku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy (1975 M) regarding the verses of subsistence. The research approach used by the author is thematic interpretation. The conclusion from the interpretation of the subsistence verses of the two commentators, namely Wahbah az-Zuhaili (2015 M) and Teungku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy (1975 M), as for the results of the opinions of the two mufassir regarding the law of maintenance of the wife, both are the same in interpreting. That is obligatory upon the husband to provide maintenance to his wife either a lot or a little. In this verse it is equally stated that husbands are ordered to provide maintenance for their wives according to their ability. And a wife should not force her husband to try to follow everything his wife wants. Between husband and wife must work together and understand each other's family situation without any element of jealousy towards other families which will cause problems between them.</em></p> Nur Izzah, Diana Novita Sari Copyright (c) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000