Tafsir Ayat Ahkām Bagi Muslim Minoritas
Studi Kasus Jual Beli Babi Oleh Kaum Muslim di Kota Wamena
This research is qualitative research with observations and literature studies. Researchers examined the problematic form of buying and selling pigs in the city of Wamena and conducted a literature review to examine the ahkām verses about the law of buying and selling pigs, along with the opinions of scholars. The results of this study show that the understanding of Wamena Muslim religion can be seen in the following patterns: first, traditional religion by following the religious way of the ancestors is difficult to accept religious renewal and knowledge, second, formal religion is to make religion just a formality, easy to change religion because they will adjust to the environment and society, third, rational religion is the way of religion of traditional and formal people but they prioritize ratios As much as possible, fourth, religious precursor methods, traditional religion based on the use of reason and heart/feeling under revelation.
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