Analisis Barter Dalam Islam Pada Praktik Wisata Kebun Jeruk Desa Jrambe Dlanggu – Mojokerto

  • Fatma Latifatul Umdah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Sri Wigati UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Keywords: Barter, Islamic, Orange Garden Tour


Barter is a transaction in which two parties exchange rights between two different types of goods or the same type using goods without a money intermediary so that they mutually use the goods that each has owned. One of the areas where this barter system is still practiced is in Jrambe Village, Dlanggu District - Mojokerto where ripe oranges can be exchanged for half-ripe oranges, but the practice of bartering creates all kinds of injustice in terms of quality, price, and delivery. So that from this it raises related to how the concept of exchange (barter) according to Islam, how the practice of bartering for orange groves in Jrambe Village, Dlanggu District - Mojokerto and how the practice of bartering for oranges in Jrambe Village, Dlanggu District - Mojokerto is analyzed in Islamic barter trade. So that a qualitative method approach was used in this study with the type of data from field studies used, as well as in data collection using observation or observations, interviews, and literature studies. So that the results of this research show that 1. In terms of pillars and terms of exchange, this barter has apparently not fully fulfilled the existence of pillars and conditions that are still not appropriate, namely the pillars of ma'qud alaih (contract object); 2. From the hadith, this exchange or barter has not been fully fulfilled because the quality and quantity cannot be known directly so that later it can trigger ghararan and the delivery time is not direct when the transaction is carried out on the spot.


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How to Cite
Fatma Latifatul Umdah, & Sri Wigati. (2023). Analisis Barter Dalam Islam Pada Praktik Wisata Kebun Jeruk Desa Jrambe Dlanggu – Mojokerto. Al-Mizan : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Islam, 7(2), 37-46. Retrieved from