Pandangan Fikih Terhadap Praktik Jual Beli Tanpa Timbangan Di Kecamatan Siman Jenangan, Dan Babadan Kabupaten Ponorogo
Buying and selling without scales is a sale and purchase where the seller takes the goods being sold without weighing them or only using estimates. This method can cause losses for both sellers and buyers. The aim of this research is to find out the mechanism of buying and selling without scales and to analyze the jurisprudential review of it. This research uses a qualitative method in the form of centralized interviews with an empirical juridical approach. The results of the research are buying and selling without scales in grocery stores in Siman, Jenangan and Babadan subdistricts: First, buying and selling without scales in Siman, Jenangan and Babadan subdistricts, Ponorogo Regency uses the method of taking goods with estimates, not weighing or measuring with scales. Second, buying and selling without scales in Siman, Jenangan and Babadan Ponorogo sub-districts, according to a review of jurisprudence law, has fulfilled the pillars of buying and selling, has also fulfilled the conditions for buying and selling, but there is a discrepancy in the object of the contract because the amount is only an estimate, and there are no things that are prohibited in buying and selling in muamalah fiqh and are in accordance with the provisions of 'urf, because this custom does not contradict the arguments of the Al-Qur'ān and Hadith.
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