Penerapan Sistem Ekoproteksi Unit Usaha Pondok Modern Gontor Kampus 3 Darul Ma’rifat Perspektif Maqasid Syari‘ah
There are still deficiencies in fulfilling maqasid shari'ah, especially in the aspect of maintaining assets, which is reflected in the absence of witnesses in debt and receivable transactions. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the economic protection system in the business unit to ensure compliance with the principles of maqasid syari'ah, especially in protecting assets. The method used is a qualitative approach in the form of focused interviews. The results of the research show that first, the implementation of the ecoprotection system in the Pondok Modern Gontor Campus 3 Darul Ma'rifat Business Unit shows that this ecoprotection system positively encourages economic justice, and creates mutual benefit for the various parties involved, and has the potential to increase the stability of the business unit by reduce unexpected financial risks. Second, the implementation of the economic protection system at Pondok Modern Gontor Campus 3 Darul Ma'rifat has been carried out well and in accordance with the principles of maqasid syari'ah and has fulfilled the five indicators of maqasid syari'ah.
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