Praktik Akad Muḍārabah Musytarakah Pada Asuransi Syariah PT. BNI Life Insurance Jakarta Selatan
The aim of this research is to find out how the muḍārabah musytarakah contract is implemented at PT. BNI Life Insurance and its conformity with the National Sharia Council Fatwa No.51/DSN-MUI/III/2006 concerning Muḍārabah Musytarakah Agreements on Sharia Insurance. This research uses a qualitative method in the form of centralized interviews, with an empirical juridical approach. The data used is from interviews, observations and documentation at PT. BNI Life Insurance. The research results obtained: contributions made by participants to the company PT. BNI Life Insurance will be invested together with company funds in financial institutions that use sharia principles. When it is due, the company will pay the participant's claim according to the premium amount and share the profits from the investment based on a muḍārabah (profit sharing) agreement. Implementation of the muḍārabah musytarakah contract at PT. BNI Life Insurance is in accordance with the National Sharia Council Fatwa No.51/DSN-MUI/III/2006 concerning Muḍārabah Musytarakah Agreements on Sharia Insurance. PT. BNI Life Insurance in carrying out its investment activities has followed the provisions contained in the DSN-MUI Fatwa.
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